Roasted Vegetables

You can chop and change the quantities and type of vegetables with this one.

A mix of the following vegetables.

Carrot, Parsnips, Beetroot, Turnip, Swede,

Onions or Shallots, New Potatoes, Garlic Cloves,

Leek, Kohl Rabi, Squash, Courgette

Olive oil

Salt & Pepper

Fresh Thyme and Rosemary

Wash and peel the vegetables and cut into roughly equal sizes.

Put the vegetable into a roasting pan, season and add the herbs.

Add around 1 tablespoon of Olive oil and mix the vegetables to cover with the oil.

Roast in the oven on 200 Gas 6 for 60 minutes turning at the half way point and serve.

Keep any leftover vegetables to make bubble and squeak.

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