2 or 3 baking potatoes
Olive oil
Salt & Pepper
Set the oven to 220 or Gas 7
Scrub the potatoes. I keep the skin on but you can peel if you like.
Cut the chips down the full length of the potato. I cut the chips so the sides are around 1cm each high.
Toss the chips in 1 tablespoon of olive oil and season. Do not use to much oil.
Grease a tray and line the chips up like soldiers in lines with a gap between each.
Cook for 30 minutes then turn the chips. You may notice the front or back of you oven is warmest – turn the tray around when you put it back in to equal this out.
The chips will take another 20 to 40 minutes to cook depending on how brown you like them and how thick you cut them.
You can add a pinch of paprika to the oil you toss the chips in or replace some of the potatoes with sweet potato for a change.