1 Onion peeled and quartered.
5 or 6 Slices of bread with or without the crust
1 tsp fresh or dry Sage
30g Butter
Salt & Pepper
Fill a small saucepan with water and bring to the boil.
Put the bread into a food processor whiz to a crumb.
Cut the top and bottom off the onion and cut into quarters. Put the onion into the pan of boiling water for 5 minutes.
Mix the bread crumbs, sage, salt and pepper in a bowl.
Drain the onion and quickly chop in the food processor .
Mix the onions with the bread crumb mixture.
Melt the butter and add some to the mix to bind the ingredients. Save the rest of the butter to brush over the finished stuffing.
Squeeze the stuffing mixture into 6 even size balls . If the mixture is dry add a little more butter.
Put the stuffing onto a baking tray and brush with the remaining butter.
Cook at 190 or Gas 5 for 45 to 50 minutes until golden brown. If you are cooking these with a chicken start them at the top of the oven and move to the bottom if they start to burn.