300g Black Treacle
300g Plain Flour
150g Butter
100g Chopped Peel
75g Brown Sugar
50g Sultanas
5og Chopped Crystallised Ginger
3 Eggs
3 Tbl Milk
2 Tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
1 Tsp Ground Ginger
1/2 Tsp Salt
Preheat oven to 163C or Gas 3
Line an 18cm square tin with baking parchment. Sieve the flour, ground ginger and bicarbonate of soda into mixing bowl then add the sultanas, chopped ginger and peel.
Warm the treacle, sugar and butter in a pan, do not boil. Lightly beat the eggs and milk together then add to the treacle mixture.
Pour the contents of the pan into the dry ingredients and mix well.
Put the mixture into the lined tin and bake for 90 to 100 minutes.