1 half eaten roasted chicken
1 Carrot
2 Sticks Celery
2 Bay laves
Any fresh Thyme or Rosemary you have around.
Strip the meat from the chicken and save for a sandwich or a pet.
Discard the skin and break the carcass up a little.
Put the chicken carcass into a large pan and cover with 6 pints of water, less if your pan will not take it.
Wash the carrot, celery and any fresh herbs you are adding. Cut the top off the carrot and divide into 3 large chunks then add to the pan. Cut the celery in half and add to the pan. Add the herbs and bay leaves.
Bring the pan to the boil. Allow pan to boil rapidly for 10 minutes. Turn the hob temperature down a little and skim off the fat and scum from the surface of the stock.
Allow the stock to simmer for 60 to 90 minutes then remove from the heat.
Lift the bones and vegetables from the stock with a slotted spoon.
Pour the stock through a fine sieve into a jug or pan.
The stock is now ready to use.
If I want to freeze the stock I boil it down to around 1 pint.
Next pour the pint of stock into 3 ice cube trays (put these and a baking tray that will fit in your freezer) and allow it to cool before freezing.
Once the cubes are frozen they can be removed from the trays and put into a freezer bag.
To use pour boiling water over frozen cubes.