Pizza Dough

2 tsp Dried Yeast
2 tsp Sugar
500g Strong Flower
350ml Tepid Water
2 tsp Salt

Boil kettle and fill jug with 250ml cold water and 100ml from the kettle. Test the water and it should be around body temperature. Mix the yeast, sugar and water together. Cover with a clean cloth and wait 10 minutes for yeast to activate. The yeast will go frothy as it comes alive.

Sift flour and salt into a mixer with a dough hook attachment (you can do this by hand if you wish) . Start the mixer on the lowesr setting and slowly add the yeast and water mixture. No need to change the mixer speed leave it for 10 minutes to mix. If the mixture is a bit wet you can add more flour or more water if to dry – it took me a few goes to get this right.

Cover the bowel with cling film or a clean cloth and leave for a minimum of 1 hour – 2 or 3 is better. If you leave the dough for longer than an hour knock back at the half way point.

Knock the dough back in the bowel and turn onto a floured surface. Divide into 4 and roll into balls. Cover with cloth and leave to 20 to 20 minutes.

Without the luxury of a pizza oven cook the pizzas and the high oven temperature they give. I put my thickest tray at the top of the oven to heat up on the highest temperature then cook the pizza for 15 to 20 minutes depending on thickness and temperature.

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