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Laughter is brightest where food is best.
— Irish Proverb
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Category Archives: Dessert
Baked Vanilla Cheesecake Recipe
Base 200g Digestive Biscuits 50g Butter Filling 500g Tub Ricotta 250g Tub Mascarpone 125g Caster Sugar 3 Large Eggs 2 Vanilla Pods 2 Table Spoons Cornflour 1 Table Spoon Vanilla extract Crush the biscuits to a fine crumb. Melt the … Continue reading
Scone Recipe
225g Plain Flour 2tsp Baking powder 1 tsp Salt 1tsp Sugar 50g Butter 150ml Milk Preheat oven to 220c or Gas 7 Sift flour, baking powder, sugar and salt into a mixing bowl. Cut the butter into small cubes and … Continue reading
Ginger Cake
300g Black Treacle 300g Plain Flour 150g Butter 100g Chopped Peel 75g Brown Sugar 50g Sultanas 5og Chopped Crystallised Ginger 3 Eggs 3 Tbl Milk 2 Tsp Bicarbonate of Soda 1 Tsp Ground Ginger 1/2 Tsp Salt Preheat oven to … Continue reading
Bakewell Tart
Pastry 150g Plain Flour 85g Butter 30g Icing Sugar 1 Egg Yolk 1tsp Milk Filling 100g Butter 100g Caster sugar 2 Eggs 150g Ground Almonds 1 tsp Almond extract 3 Tsp Flaked Almonds 4 Tsp Strawberry jam Sift the flour … Continue reading