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Any of us would kill a cow, rather than not have beef.
— Samuel Johnson -
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Category Archives: India
Naan Bread
400g Plain Flour 125g Strong Bread Flour 1 tsp Salt 2 tsp Dried Yeast 2 tsp Sugar 3 tbl Ghee or Olive Oil 1 tsp Black Onion Seeds 100ml Tepid Water 200\225ml Natural Yogurt and Milk mixed Make sure the … Continue reading
Chicken Tikka
4 Chicken breasts. 2 Cloves garlic Crushed 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon paprika 1 tablespoon curry powder 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon pepper 1cm cube root ginger finely chopped 6 tablespoon Greek yogurt Juice of 1 Lemon Optional – … Continue reading
Roasted Vegetables
You can chop and change the quantities and type of vegetables with this one. A mix of the following vegetables. Carrot, Parsnips, Beetroot, Turnip, Swede, Onions or Shallots, New Potatoes, Garlic Cloves, Leek, Kohl Rabi, Squash, Courgette Olive oil Salt … Continue reading