Random Food Quote
Boxty on the griddle, boxty in the pan, if you can’t make boxty,
— Irish poem
you’ll never get a man. -
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Category Archives: Italy
Oven Cooked Meatball Recipe
500g Minced Beef 1 Small Onion 1 Clove Garlic Pinch Thyme Salt & Pepper Preheat oven to 190c or Gas 5 Put the beef into a bowl and season with salt and pepper then add the thyme. Peel and crush … Continue reading
Tomato, Mozzarella and Basil Salad
2 Large Beef Tomatoes 1 Ball Mozzarella Few Basil leaves Olive or Walnut Oil Salt & Pepper Wash and dry the tomatoes and Basil. Slice and lay in a circle around the edge of a plate leaving a space in … Continue reading
Basil Pesto
Pine nuts A bunch of fresh Basil. Parmesan grated 100 to 150ml Olive Oil Wash and dry the Basil. Toast the pine nuts. Add the pine nuts, fresh basil and parmesan to a blender. Blend well then slowly pour in … Continue reading
Perfect Poached Eggs
Ingredients: Eggs Salt Vinegar Fill a pan with 8 to 10 cm of water and bring to the boil. Add a good pinch of salt and a few dashes pf vinegar. Some recipes say the vinegar and salt sets the … Continue reading