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Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.
— Mark Twain -
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Tag Archives: tomato
Basil & Tomato Soup
1kg Fresh Tomatoes 1 large onion 50g of butter Salt & Pepper 1 bay leaf 600ml Water Large bunch fresh Basil Wash the basil and remove and dispose of the stalks. Peel and chop the onion. Cook the onion in … Continue reading
Tomato Soup
1kg Fresh Tomatoes 1 large onion 50g of butter Salt & Pepper 1 bay leaf 600ml Water Peel and chop the onion. Cook the onion in the butter in a saucepan until brown. Slice the tomatoes and add to the … Continue reading
Tomato, Mozzarella and Basil Salad
2 Large Beef Tomatoes 1 Ball Mozzarella Few Basil leaves Olive or Walnut Oil Salt & Pepper Wash and dry the tomatoes and Basil. Slice and lay in a circle around the edge of a plate leaving a space in … Continue reading
Tomato Salsa
2 Large Tomatoes 1 Small Chilli ½ Onion Bunch Coriander Salt & Pepper Juice of a Lime Wash the Tomatoes then finely dice. Wash the Coriander and roughly chop. Chop the onion and Chilli. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl … Continue reading